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22 Cats Abandoned in Filthy Iowa Mobile Home Rescued


Approximately 22 cats were discovered abandoned and living in dire conditions in a Carter Lake mobile home in Iowa. Authorities believe the felines were left to fend for themselves without food and water for over a month after the owner deserted the premises.

Cats abandoned for weeks in Iowa mobile home, several found dead

Isaiah Langworthy, affiliated with Muddy Paws animal rescue, recently took in May, a cat roughly aged between two and three years. Despite the ordeal, May is one of the fortunate survivors. In total, rescue operations uncovered 18 cats still alive, alongside the grim discovery of four dead ones. Langworthy raised concerns that more deceased cats might still be inside the property.

The conditions inside the mobile home were described as horrific — per 6 News WOWT. The state of the place was beyond deplorable, to the point of being a biohazard, Langworthy detailed. He painted a bleak picture of the environment, where the bathtub was filled to the brim with feces, litter boxes were overflowing, and layers of waste covered the floor. Tragically, evidence of the cats’ extreme desperation was seen, with one cat found deceased in a box and others showing signs of having resorted to cannibalism in their hunger.

A local resident noted that the home had been unoccupied for weeks. Muddy Paws volunteers, experienced in animal rescue, spent close to three hours in the hazardous conditions of the home. They said that this was a situation none had encountered in their cumulative 60 years of experience.

The surviving cats, though rescued, were found in poor health — emaciated, dehydrated, and unclean, indicating severe neglect. Langworthy further pointed out, “How you can tell a cat is dehydrated is it quits bathing itself. And all of these cats look like they are gray.”

These survivors are now being treated at local animal hospitals. May, in particular, seems to have found a potentially happy ending with the possibility of a new home. As for legal proceedings, Carter Lake Police, Fire, and Animal Control have confirmed that an investigation into the abandonment and neglect is actively underway.

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Cat Lost in Maui Wildfires Reunited With Family


A cat named Mahina has been reunited with her family after she was separated from them following the devastating wildfires in Maui, Hawaii, on Aug. 8, 2023. These fires were among the deadliest in the United States’ history, having claimed the lives of nearly 100 people, with many victims over the age of 70. They left Lahaina in ruins and forced many, including Mahina’s owners, to relocate to the mainland.

Cat lost in Hawaii during Maui Wildfires reunited with Montana family

Upon losing Mahina amid the chaos, her family filed a lost pet report with the Maui Humane Society. Despite moving away and the uncertainty of their situation, they held onto hope for a reunion. Their hope turned into reality when the society’s Fire Task Force discovered Mahina, surviving alone in the fire-affected area for around 100 days. Identification through her microchip facilitated the reunion process, bringing immense joy to her owners.

Despite the logistics involved in transporting a pet from Hawaii to Montana, especially with challenging snowy conditions, the community and several organizations came together to ensure Mahina’s safe return. Hawaiian Airlines and Alaska Airlines took special care during her flights. In addition, a trusted transporter managed her journey from Seattle to her eagerly waiting family in Montana. The Maui Humane Society generously handled the expenses for Mahina’s health certificate and travel — per Fox Weather.

Mahina, known for her love of watching NFL football and playing with her feather toy, has adapted well to her new environment. According to her family, she has now embraced indoor living, particularly in snowy Montana where she has shown no desire to venture outside. “She stays strictly inside now, but since we are in Montana, she hasn’t wanted to go outside because of the snow,” they said, adding, “She’s so goofy and is so happy to be home with her parents!”

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Top 7 Cat Breeds for People Who Travel Frequently


For individuals who frequently travel, finding a pet that can easily adapt to their lifestyle is crucial. Cats are often viewed as independent pets, but some breeds are particularly well-suited for owners who are regularly on the move. These breeds are known for their adaptability, easy-going nature, and ability to stay content and healthy even when their human companions are away. This article highlights the top seven cat breeds for people who travel frequently, focusing on their suitability for a dynamic lifestyle. Additionally, we’ll discuss why mixed breeds and rescues can also be excellent companions for frequent travellers, emphasizing the importance of individual personality and adaptability over pure breed characteristics.

1. British Shorthair

The British Shorthair is renowned for its calm demeanour and independence, making it an ideal companion for frequent travellers. This breed is characterized by its plush coat, round eyes, and sturdy build. British Shorthairs are known for their laid-back attitude and ability to entertain themselves, which is essential for cats that may spend periods alone. They form strong bonds with their owners but do not demand constant attention, making them well-suited for individuals with busy lifestyles. Their robust health and low-maintenance grooming needs further contribute to their suitability for people who travel, as they require less day-to-day care than more high-maintenance breeds.

2. Russian Blue

Russian Blues are prized for their beautiful blue-grey coats and striking green eyes, but they are also ideal for people who travel due to their independent and reserved nature. This breed is known for forming deep bonds with their owners, yet they can comfortably spend time alone without becoming overly anxious or stressed. Russian Blues are intelligent and can be quite playful, but they also appreciate quiet time and can easily adapt to a routine that includes their owner being away. Their loyalty and affectionate nature when their owner is home make the reunions all the more special.

3. Scottish Fold

Scottish Folds are easily recognizable by their unique folded ears and are cherished for their adaptable and easy-going nature. They thrive in environments where they receive love and attention but can also manage well during periods when their owners are away. Scottish Folds are sociable and enjoy the company of other pets, which can be beneficial in households where a companion would be left for the cat during travel periods. Their ability to adapt to various situations, combined with their loving nature when their owners are present, makes them a great breed for travellers.

4. Maine Coon

Maine Coons, one of the largest domestic cat breeds, are known for their dog-like personalities, including loyalty and adaptability. They are sociable and enjoy interaction but are also independent enough to manage well when their owner needs to travel. Maine Coons are intelligent and can be trained to follow routines, making it easier to care for them in the owner’s absence. Their playful and affectionate demeanour ensures a warm welcome upon the owner’s return, making the time apart easier to handle for both the cat and the owner.

5. American Shorthair

American Shorthairs are known for their health, easy-going nature, and adaptability, making them ideal for people who travel frequently. This breed is independent and does not require constant attention, but they are also affectionate and enjoy spending quality time with their owners when they are home. American Shorthairs get along well with other pets, making them suitable for households that might have a pet sitter come in or other pets to keep them company. Their low-maintenance grooming needs and robust health make them a practical and loving choice for travellers.

6. Siamese

Siamese cats are known for their vocal personality and need for interaction, but they can also be a good fit for people who travel, provided they have the right environment. They are extremely intelligent and can benefit from interactive toys and puzzles that keep them entertained in their owner’s absence. Siamese cats bond deeply with their owners and enjoy a good cuddle session upon their return. For frequent travellers, providing a companion cat or ensuring regular interaction with a pet sitter can keep Siamese content.

7. Exotic Shorthair

Exotic Shorthairs, with their plush coats and sweet faces, offer the perfect balance of independence and affection for travellers. This breed is known for its calm and laid-back nature, requiring less attention than more high-energy breeds. Exotic Shorthairs enjoy their quiet time and are content with self-play, making them well-suited for owners who have to leave them for short periods. Their affectionate nature ensures that they are always happy to see their owners return, making them a comforting presence for those who travel regularly.

Mixed Breeds and Rescues

Mixed breeds and rescue cats can also be excellent companions for individuals who travel frequently. These cats often exhibit a wide range of adaptable and resilient traits that can make them ideal for a lifestyle that includes regular travel. Adopting a mixed breed or rescue cat not only provides a loving home to a pet in need but also offers the opportunity to find a cat with a personality that perfectly matches the owner’s lifestyle. The key is to look for a cat that shows signs of independence, good health, and an easy-going nature.

For people who travel frequently, choosing a cat breed that is independent, adaptable, and low maintenance can make a significant difference in ensuring both the cat’s and the owner’s happiness. The British Shorthair, Russian Blue, Scottish Fold, Maine Coon, American Shorthair, Siamese, and Exotic Shorthair are all breeds known for their ability to thrive in households with owners who travel. However, mixed breeds and rescues should not be overlooked, as they too can provide the companionship and adaptability needed for a travelling lifestyle. Ultimately, the right cat fits seamlessly into its owner’s life, offering affection and companionship regardless of how often they are on the move.

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5 Best Cat Breeds for Introducing to Dogs


Integrating a new cat into a household with dogs requires careful consideration of the cat’s temperament, adaptability, and predisposition towards other animals. Certain cat breeds are known for their dog-friendly nature, displaying traits such as confidence, sociability, and a calm demeanour that make them more likely to form harmonious relationships with canine companions. These breeds possess an inherent flexibility and tolerance towards dogs, which can significantly ease the introduction process and foster a peaceful coexistence. This article explores five cat breeds renowned for their ability to adapt and thrive in households with dogs, highlighting their characteristics that contribute to successful interspecies friendships. Additionally, the value of considering mixed breeds and rescue cats, which can also exhibit remarkable compatibility with dogs, will be discussed, emphasizing the importance of individual personality over breed-specific traits.

1. Maine Coon

Maine Coons are known for their gentle giant persona, combining a large, sturdy physique with a friendly and easygoing temperament. This breed’s laid-back nature makes it an excellent candidate for households with dogs, as Maine Coons are not easily intimidated by the size or energy of a canine companion. Their playful and sociable disposition allows them to interact positively with dogs, engaging in play or simply cohabitating peacefully. Maine Coons are intelligent and adaptable, capable of setting boundaries with dogs calmly and assertively. Their size also ensures they are not at a physical disadvantage when interacting with larger dogs, making the integration process smoother. The innate curiosity and confidence of Maine Coons mean they are more likely to be curious about their new dog siblings rather than fearful, fostering a quicker and more successful bonding process.

2. Ragdoll

Ragdolls, with their affectionate nature and relaxed attitude, are another breed well-suited to living with dogs. Known for going limp when held, hence the name “Ragdoll,” they exhibit a remarkable level of trust and calmness, traits that are beneficial when introduced to dogs. Ragdolls are sociable and enjoy companionship, whether it’s with humans or other animals, including dogs. Their gentle demeanour can help soothe dogs that might be initially unsure about a feline addition to the family. Furthermore, Ragdolls are less likely to run from dogs, a behaviour that can trigger a dog’s prey drive. Instead, their confident, laid-back approach can encourage a calm and curious interaction, laying the foundation for a strong interspecies friendship.

3. Abyssinian

Abyssinians are known for their high energy levels and adventurous spirit, traits that make them a good match for households with playful dogs. This breed’s fearless nature and love for play make them more than capable of keeping up with energetic dogs, participating in chase and play without showing signs of intimidation. Abyssinians are highly social and thrive on interaction with both humans and other animals, including dogs. Their outgoing personality can be a catalyst for engaging play sessions, helping to build a bond between the cat and dog. Additionally, Abyssinians’ intelligence and agility allow them to navigate their interactions with dogs, avoiding conflicts and fostering a harmonious living environment.

4. Burmese

Burmese cats are affectionate, and people-oriented, and enjoy being part of a family’s daily life, making them well-suited to homes with dogs. Their sociable nature extends to canine companions, with whom they often form close bonds. Burmese are not only tolerant of dogs but actively seek out their company, showing affection and even engaging in mutual grooming sessions. This breed’s confident and outgoing personality means they are less likely to be fearful or aggressive towards dogs, facilitating a smoother introduction and cohabitation. The Burmese’s playful yet gentle demeanour makes them an ideal companion for dogs, contributing to a balanced and peaceful household dynamic.

5. American Shorthair

American Shorthairs are known for their robust health, calm disposition, and adaptability, qualities that serve them well in homes with dogs. This breed is characterized by its independence and easygoing nature, allowing it to coexist peacefully with canine housemates. American Shorthairs are not overly reactive and tend to approach interactions with dogs with a level of calm curiosity rather than fear or aggression. Their playful side can also emerge in the company of dogs, participating in gentle play that fosters mutual respect and understanding. The American Shorthair’s ability to adapt to various environments and situations makes them a resilient and compatible companion for dogs.

Mixed Breeds and Rescues

Mixed-breed cats and rescues can also exhibit exceptional compatibility with dogs, often displaying a mix of traits that enable them to integrate seamlessly into a household with canine siblings. These cats can be as adaptable, sociable, and tolerant as their purebred counterparts, if not more so, due to their diverse genetic backgrounds. Adopting a mixed breed or rescue cat not only provides a loving home to an animal in need but also offers the opportunity to find a cat with the perfect personality to match your dog. When choosing a mixed breed or rescue, focus on the individual cat’s temperament and past experiences with dogs to ensure a harmonious match.

Selecting the right cat breed to introduce into a household with dogs is crucial for creating a peaceful and loving home environment. Maine Coons, Ragdolls, Abyssinians, Burmese, and American Shorthairs are among the breeds known for their dog-friendly nature, exhibiting traits that facilitate successful interspecies friendships. However, it’s important to remember that mixed breeds and rescue cats can also make excellent companions for dogs, often bringing a unique blend of adaptability and sociability. Regardless of breed, the key to a successful introduction lies in careful consideration of the personalities involved, ensuring both cat and dog are comfortable, safe, and happy in each other’s company.

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7 Cat Breeds Known for Their Affinity with Children


Selecting a family-friendly cat breed that exhibits a natural affinity for children can be a cornerstone in cultivating a nurturing and joyful environment for the pet and the family. Certain cat breeds are renowned for their gentle demeanour, patience, and ability to bond deeply with younger family members, making them particularly well-suited for households with children. These breeds not only tolerate the bustling energy and unpredictable nature of kids but often thrive on the interaction, offering affection, companionship, and even protection to their youngest human friends. This article delves into seven cat breeds known for their remarkable affinity with children, highlighting their characteristics and behaviours that make them ideal family pets. Additionally, the importance of considering mixed breeds and rescues, which can also display incredible compatibility with children, will be discussed, underscoring the value of personality and individual connection over pedigree.

1. Maine Coon

Maine Coons, often referred to as the “gentle giants” of the cat world, are renowned for their sociable, easygoing nature, making them excellent companions for children. Their large size, robust health, and friendly disposition allow them to interact safely and playfully with kids, who are often drawn to their dog-like characteristics. Maine Coons are known for their patience and tolerance, essential qualities in a family pet. They enjoy participating in family activities and are not easily irritated by the loud noises or sudden movements that can accompany play with children. Their intelligence and playful spirit encourage interactive games, fostering a strong bond between the cat and the child. Moreover, Maine Coons have a protective instinct, often watching over the youngest members of the family with gentle attentiveness.

2. Ragdoll

Ragdolls are cherished for their docile and affectionate nature, often described as “puppy-like” due to their tendency to follow family members around the home. Their name derives from their characteristic limpness when picked up, a testament to their trust and relaxed nature. This breed’s soft fur and large, expressive eyes make it particularly appealing to children, who find a gentle and cuddly companion in the Ragdoll. They are known to be exceptionally patient with children, showing a remarkable tolerance for cuddling and handling. Ragdolls prefer to stay close to the ground, reducing the risk of accidental falls or scratches during play, making them an ideal choice for families seeking a low-maintenance but loving pet.

3. Burmese

Burmese cats are vibrant, affectionate, and incredibly people-oriented, thriving on human interaction and companionship. Their sociable nature extends to children, with whom they share a playful and loving bond. Burmese cats are known for their ability to integrate into family life seamlessly, showing particular fondness for being involved in all aspects of household activity. Their gentle demeanour and curious and energetic personality make them engaging playmates for children, encouraging active play and interaction. The Burmese’s loyalty and affectionate behaviour, such as curling up in laps or gently head-butting for attention, make them a comforting presence for children, promoting a sense of security and companionship.

4. British Shorthair

The British Shorthair, with its teddy bear appearance and calm demeanour, is an ideal family pet known for its patience and tolerance. This breed’s sturdy build and laid-back nature make it well-equipped to handle the exuberant play often initiated by children. British Shorthairs are not known for climbing or high-energy antics, preferring instead the stability of ground-level interactions, which suits indoor play with kids. Their affectionate yet independent character means they enjoy attention and petting but do not demand constant interaction, making them suitable for busy families. The British Shorthair’s easygoing temperament and undemanding nature make it a reliable and gentle companion for children of all ages.

5. Scottish Fold

Scottish Folds are celebrated for their unique folded ears and their remarkable ability to bond with family members, including children. Their adaptable and easygoing personality, combined with a natural curiosity, makes them excellent companions for families. Scottish Folds enjoy interactive play but are equally content to spend quiet time snuggled up with their human companions, making them versatile pets that can match the energy level of the household. Their gentle nature and tolerance for handling make them suitable for families with children, offering affection and companionship in a soft, cuddly package. Scottish Folds are known to form deep bonds with their families, often displaying a particular loyalty to one member, yet their love and affection extend to all, including the youngest.

6. American Shorthair

The American Shorthair is known for its friendly, adaptable nature, making it a perfect fit for families with children. This breed is recognized for its health, longevity, and easygoing temperament, attributes that contribute to a harmonious household. American Shorthairs are playful and enjoy interactive games, which can help teach children about the responsibility of pet ownership and the importance of gentle, respectful play. Their robust build makes them resilient companions for active children, capable of participating in play without becoming overly tired or irritated. American Shorthairs are also known for their patience and affectionate nature, often seeking out the company of their human family members, making them a loving addition to any home.

7. Abyssinian

Abyssinians are highly energetic, intelligent, and affectionate cats that adore being the centre of attention, making them fantastic pets for families with children. Their playful and inquisitive nature ensures they are always ready for an adventure, whether it’s playing fetch, exploring nooks and crannies, or engaging in interactive games with children. Abyssinians form strong bonds with their families and thrive on social interaction, often following their owners around the house and participating in daily activities. Their sleek, easy-to-care-for coat and love of play make them suitable for busy families looking for a low-maintenance but engaging pet. Abyssinians’ zest for life and affectionate demeanour can enrich a child’s experience of growing up with a pet, teaching them about empathy, care, and the joy of companionship.

Mixed Breeds and Rescues

Mixed-breed cats and rescues often possess a blend of traits that can make them exceptionally suited to life with children. These cats can exhibit the gentle, playful, and tolerant characteristics of the breeds mentioned, often bringing the best of multiple worlds into one package. Adopting a mixed breed or rescue cat not only provides a loving home to a pet in need but also offers families the opportunity to experience the unique personality and affectionate qualities of their new companion. Many mixed breeds and rescues are known for their adaptable and grateful nature, qualities that can make them excellent family pets. It’s important to consider the individual personality of any cat, regardless of breed, to ensure a good match for the family environment.

Choosing a cat breed known for its affinity with children can significantly enhance the dynamics of a family household, bringing joy, companionship, and valuable life lessons to both the children and the pet. The Maine Coon, Ragdoll, Burmese, British Shorthair, Scottish Fold, American Shorthair, and Abyssinian each offer qualities that make them well-suited to life with children, from their gentle dispositions and playful spirits to their robust health and adaptability. However, mixed breeds and rescue cats also provide abundant love and companionship, often adapting wonderfully to family life. Ultimately, the best cat for a family with children is one whose personality, energy level, and care requirements align with the family’s lifestyle, ensuring a harmonious and loving home for all.

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8 Pet-Friendly Hotels in San Antonio, TX (2024 Guide)


San Antonio may be best known for the Alamo and its history, but it’s drawn from that history and modern cosmopolitan tastes to flourish as a modern tourist hotspot—41 million tourists come to see the Alamo and follow the eclectic River Walk, not to mention check out all the historical Spanish missions dotting the city. When you and your best furry pal need somewhere to crash while you’re staying in San Antonio, we’ve got you covered. Scroll below s for some of the best hotel accommodations you can find that’ll happily welcome your pet too.

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The Top 8 Pet-Friendly Hotels in San Antonio

1. Hotel Contessa

Hotel Contessa
Image Credit: Instagram hotelcontessa
🗺️ Address: 📍 306 W Market St, San Antonio, TX 78205
⭐ Star Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
🕐 Open Times: 4 PM check-in, 11 AM check-out
💲 Cost: $125 nonrefundable deposit per pet per stay
  • Located on the Riverwalk
  • Max of 40 pounds for pets
  • Check out a seasonal event like the winter Mariachi Concert, Holiday River Parade, Live Fire grill events every Saturday

2. Drury Inn & Suites San Antonio

Drury Inn & Suites San Antonio
Image Credit: Drury Inn & Suites San Antonio
  • In-room amenities like full-sized refrigerator, iron with board, hair dryer, WiFi, and flatscreen TV in every room
  • Max of two pets under 80 pounds combined
  • Hot breakfast every morning
  • Take a free airport shuttle to your flight home, rent a bicycle to explore the city, or bring your 9-iron for some golf at nearby courses

3. DoubleTree by Hilton San Antonio Northwest

DoubleTree by Hilton San Antonio Northwest
Image Credit: Instagram doubletreesanw
  • Contemporary rooms, suites, and connecting rooms with private balconies overlooking a tropical outdoor lounge.
  • Max of two pets
  • Outdoor pool and 24/7 fitness center
  • On-site Starbucks

4. Aloft San Antonio Airport

Aloft San Antonio Airport
Image Credit: Instagram aloftsanantonioairport
  • Stylish hotel with oversized furniture, cushy Marriott-branded bedding, ergonomic workspaces, and soundproof windows
  • No pet charges
  • 24/7 Re:Fuel convenience store in the lobby
  • Re:Charge fitness center
  • On-site bar

5. Wyndham Garden San Antonio Riverwalk/Museum Reach

Wyndham Garden San Antonio Riverwalk/Museum Reach
Image Credit: Wyndham Garden San Antonio Riverwalk/Museum Reach
  • Perched on the San Antonio River
  • Max of three pets of any size
  • Hot tub, pool, and fitness center
  • On-site Bourbon Street Seafood Kitchen

6. Omni La Mansión del Rio

Omni La Mansión del Rio
Image Credit: Instagram omnilamansiondelrio
  • Rooms feature lustrous marble vanities, high-beamed ceilings, fine bathrobes, and balconies
  • Max of two pets up to 50 pounds each
  • Pool courtyard, 24/7 on-site gym, and the famed Mokara Spa just down the river

7. Hyatt Regency San Antonio

Hyatt Regency San Antonio
Image Credit: Instagram hyattregencysa
  • Conveniently located on the lively River Walk
  • Max of two dogs under 75 pounds
  • Spa, pool, and fitness center

8. Staybridge Suites San Antonio Downtown

Staybridge Suites San Antonio Downtown
Image Credit: Staybridge Suites San Antonio Downtown
🗺️ Address: 📍 123 Hoefgen Ave, San Antonio, TX 78205
⭐ Star Rating: ⭐⭐⭐
🕐 Open Times: 4 PM check-in, 12 PM check-out
💲 Cost: $75 per 1–6 night stay, $150 for longer stays
  • Amenities include cozy bedding, equipped kitchenettes, fridge, coffee maker, dining bar, and sitting areas
  • Max of two pets
  • On-site fitness gym and outdoor BBQ
  • Multiple business spaces with fax machines, copier, and computers

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San Antonio is the second-oldest city in the U.S., but it hasn’t lost its history while updating to a modern entertainment marvel like no other in Texas. Even if you’re not really into the Alamo, there’s a veritable wealth of modern and historic sights to keep even the more exuberant traveler busy for weeks, if not months. While you do so, kick back in comfort with one of the hotels above.

Featured Image Credit: Pixel-Shot, Shutterstock

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IBS In Cats: Our Vet Explains Causes, Signs & Treatments


Dr. Karyn Kanowski Photo

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

Learn more »

Irritable bowel syndrome—the name alone is enough to make you feel uncomfortable. Even if you’ve been fortunate enough to never experience the pain, discomfort, and embarrassment of this fairly common condition, you probably know someone who has. But did you know that cats can also suffer from a similar condition?

In cats, we refer to it as inflammatory bowel disease or IBD, but it may also be categorized as gastritis, enteritis, gastroenteritis, or chronic diarrhea, all of which can form part of feline IBD but are not the whole story.

Let’s look closer at IBD in cats, from what causes it to how to manage it.

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You might be wondering what the difference between these two terms actually is, and it is largely to do with the species involved. Humans can suffer from both IBS and IBD, whereas cats and other animals can only be described as having IBD.

IBS, as the name suggests, describes a syndrome, or a set of symptoms that typically occur together, enabling the condition to be more accurately described and categorized. It is not itself a specific diagnosis, however, IBD can be a cause of IBS.

Symptoms describe how an illness or problem “feels,” and only humans can communicate that.  A clinician can listen to those symptoms and combine them with the patient’s clinical signs to make an objective assessment.

When it comes to cats and other pets, they cannot describe their own symptoms, which is why veterinarians rely on the history provided by the pet’s owner, combined with the animal’s clinical signs, to make a diagnosis.

For example:

Symptom Clinical Sign
Sore leg Limping, lameness
Earache Head tilt, rubbing ear
Nausea Drooling, vomiting, inappetence

Now that we’ve got the semantics out of the way, let’s move on to the condition itself.

a cat tilting its head
Image Credit: Jenni Ferreira, Shutterstock

What Is Feline Inflammatory Bowel Disease?

IBD in cats occurs when the walls of the digestive tract become thickened and inflamed, reducing its ability to function properly. Although there are many conditions that can produce the same or similar signs, IBD is not due to an infection, food reaction, or parasite, although these must be ruled out in order to make a diagnosis. It can affect cats of all ages but is more common among middle-aged and older cats.

There are specific cell types that are usually involved in IBD which strongly suggest that it is an immune-mediated condition. It may be triggered by certain foods, infections, or stress. It can occur as part of a complex condition referred to as triaditis1, which involves inflammation of the liver, pancreas, and small intestine. IBD can also be characterized as idiopathic, which means that no inciting cause can be identified.

What Are the Signs of Feline Inflammatory Bowel Disease?

IBD can affect different parts of the digestive tract, so the clinical signs will depend on what area is involved.

  • Gastritis (inflammation of the stomach)
  • Enteritis (inflammation of the small intestine)
  • Colitis (inflammation of the large intestine or colon)

The inflammation might occur in just one area or could affect all three. Although colitis often produces more noticeable signs, like frequent, bloody diarrhea, it is usually the least severe in terms of illness.

Gastritis Enteritis Colitis
Frequency of feces Normal to reduced Normal to reduced Increased
Diarrhea Mild or none Large amount, watery Small to large amounts of mucoid, may be bloody
Vomiting Frequent, shortly after eating Occasional, 4–6 hours after eating None
Appetite Reduced or absent Normal to increased Normal
Weight loss Moderate Moderate to severe Mild to none
Energy levels Normal to slightly reduced Reduced Normal

Gastritis: When the stomach is inflamed, it can result in vomiting, but it won’t affect the digestion and absorption of nutrients from food that is kept down.

Enteritis: The majority of nutrient absorption takes place in the small intestine, so when this is inflamed, the body can become severely malnourished, particularly if a large amount of the intestine is involved, or if the cat is suffering from gastroenteritis (inflammation of both the stomach and intestines). The appetite may be increased to try to compensate for the nutrient loss.

Colitis: The main function of the large intestine is the reabsorption of fluid from the waste material. Inflammation in this area doesn’t usually have a significant impact on nutrition but can lead to dehydration if not addressed.

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How Is Feline IBD Diagnosed?

A large part of diagnosing IBD in cats is ruling out any other causes of the clinical signs. This can be a frustrating process, but a necessary one. There is no specific test for IBD, so the most important part of the diagnostic process is ruling out all the things that it isn’t.

Patient history is an important component of this process, so if your cat’s clinical signs have been going on for a while, try to keep a detailed record of what they eat, any changes (however minor) in their habits, any possible exposure to toxins, unusual foods, etc. Photographs of their vomit and feces, although pretty gross, can also be really helpful.

Depending on your cat’s clinical signs, your vet may perform the following tests:

  • Physical exam: Focusing particularly on hydration, body condition, and abdominal palpation.
  • Blood tests: These can indicate the presence of systemic inflammation or infection, assess organ function and protein levels, as well as identify any viral infections, such as Feline Leukemia or Panleukopenia, and rule out other illnesses like diabetes and hyperthyroidism.
  • Fecal exam: To check for parasites.

Sometimes vets will trial some treatments before making a diagnosis, such as giving anti-parasitic or anti-inflammatory medications. A diet trial is also a common and important step, not just in terms of diagnosis but in formulating a treatment plan.

vet sampling cat's blood
Image Credit: thirawatana phaisalratana, Shutterstock

Definitive Diagnosis

The only way to definitively diagnose feline IBD is through intestinal biopsies; however, they are not always completely accurate. Biopsies are performed under general anesthesia and may be done endoscopically (least invasive) or surgically (most accurate).

Once all other diseases have been excluded, there are two conditions that can only be differentiated with a biopsy: IBD and intestinal lymphoma. Biopsies will only give a specific diagnosis if the sample is taken from an area of the digestive tract that is affected by the disease, so false negatives do occur.

The treatment of both IBD and intestinal lymphoma are often very similar, and it is not uncommon for treatment to commence without biopsies.

There are two main types of feline intestinal lymphoma:

  • Small cell lymphoma – A more diffuse form that affects a larger area of the intestine but is more responsive to treatment, with a mean survival of 2–4 years following diagnosis.
  • Large cell lymphoma – Tends to form localized masses and has a much poorer prognosis. Surgery can be attempted, but survival times tend to be around 2–4 months.

How Is Feline IBD Treated?

In the majority of cases, the aim of treatment is management rather than cure. Some cats may experience a complete remission of all clinical signs after prolonged treatment, while others will need to be managed for the rest of their lives.

Again, the specifics will depend on the location of the inflammation and the severity of clinical signs, but common IBD treatments include:

  • Diet management: Using a hypoallergenic, highly digestible food to reduce the amount of inflammation in the digestive tract and maximize nutrient absorption. There are a number of veterinary-based diets that have been developed for the management of feline IBD, and there have also been some reported successes using raw diets, although care must be taken to ensure adequate taurine levels are provided.
  • Corticosteroids: Steroids (e.g., prednisone) are a commonly used medication to treat immune-mediated, inflammatory conditions. At higher doses, steroids cause immunosuppression, which can help reduce any autoimmune component, while also reducing inflammation. Due to the problematic side effects that high doses of steroids produce, the aim is to reduce dosing to the lowest therapeutic level once the clinical signs have improved.
  • Cobalamin: AKA vitamin B12, this is essential for healthy immunity, nervous system, and digestive function. In cats with small intestinal IBD, cobalamin is poorly absorbed, leading to further deterioration of the condition and creating a very vicious cycle. By supplementing Cobalamin, with injections initially and later with oral supplements, the overall health of the cat is improved, as is their intestinal function.
  • Chemotherapy: An oral medication called Chlorambucil can be used in conjunction with the above therapies to treat autoimmune conditions, as well as reduce the accumulation of thickened and abnormal tissue in the digestive tract. This is the treatment of choice for feline intestinal lymphoma but is also effective against severe IBD.
  • Antiemetics: Medications to reduce vomiting and nausea are often used in the early stages of treatment if gastritis or gastroenteritis are involved.
cat eating from feeding bowl
Image Credit: Jaromir Chalabala, Shutterstock

What Is the Prognosis for Cats With IBD?

In most cases, once a suitable treatment regime has been found, cats do quite well. In some cases, treatment can be gradually reduced over time, but most of the time, management is lifelong. Prognosis is linked with how extensive and severe the inflammatory changes in the gut wall are, suggesting that cases that are diagnosed and treated earlier in the disease process will have a better outcome than cats that have extensive changes in their gastrointestinal tract.

Cats that spend a lot of time outdoors can be more difficult to manage as it is impossible to completely control what they are eating. The success of treatment in these cases comes down to how severe the cat’s condition is, and how much “off-plan” eating they do.

In cases where lymphoma has not been excluded, the outcome will largely depend on whether we are treating IBD, small cell lymphoma, or large cell lymphoma.

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Summing Up

Feline inflammatory bowel disease is a relatively common condition, mostly affecting cats that are middle-aged or older. It can masquerade as many gastrointestinal disorders, all of which must be ruled out before a diagnosis of IBD can be reached.

Early treatment and management of this condition can result in fewer significant changes to the gastrointestinal wall, thus improving prognosis.

Although occasional vomiting and diarrhea are not uncommon in cats, if they have been showing these signs for more than 48 hours, and particularly if you notice weight loss or lethargy, you should book them in for a checkup with your vet ASAP.

Featured Image Credit: Andy Gin, Shutterstock

La vie du chat

10 Pet-Friendly Hotels in South Lake Tahoe (2024 Update)


South Lake Tahoe is known as a tranquil, picturesque oasis away from the modern Californian urban buzz—the perfect spot to relax and check out breathtaking mountains, lakes, forests, and snowy vistas at your leisure. Whether you’re in the mood to hike, ski, snowboard, or kick back, South Lake Tahoe is the best spot to do it within spitting distance to San Francisco or Sacramento.

All that’s left is to pick the right accommodations that’ll welcome you and your best furry friend. Check out the best pet-friendly hotels in South Lake Tahoe just below and get booked for your next vacation today!

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Top 10 Pet-Friendly Hotels in South Lake Tahoe

1. Hotel Becket

Hotel Becket Lake Tahoe
Image Credit: Hotel Becket Lake Tahoe

View Deals at Hotel Becket

  • Breezy alpine-themed hotel across the street from the steep Heavenly Village & Mountain
  • Sleep on high thread count sheets and take advantage of blackout curtains for the ultimate night’s rest
  • If you’re not into skiing, browse at over 40 high-class storefronts at Heavenly Village, gamble at Harrah’s Casino, rent a snowmobile at Zephyr Cove Snowmobile Center, or explore at your own pace with hundreds of on-foot trails

2. Hotel Azure Tahoe

Hotel Azure Tahoe
Image Credit: Hotel Azure Tahoe

View Deals at Hotel Azure Tahoe

  • Serene and sophisticated hotel with naturally inspired plush bedding, private balconies, complimentary Paya brand toiletries, mini fridge, WiFi, and, of course, tons of mountain/lake views
  • Conveniently located with close access to golf courses, Nevada casinos, Heavenly Village, hot air balloon tours, guided kayak tours, and ample untouched wilderness
  • Choose from a diverse breakfast, lunch, and dinner menu at the on-site Beach Bear Cafe
  • Don’t miss the Tahoe Bowl on-site at the hotel, a 16-lane bowling alley/recreation center stocked with retro arcade games, air hockey, and plenty of gooey pizza to go around

3. Desolation Hotel

Desolation Hotel
Image Credit: Desolation Hotel

View Deals at Desolation Hotel

🗺️ Address: 📍 933 Poplar St, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
⭐ Star Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
🕐 Open Times: 4 PM check-in, 11 AM check-out
💲 Cost: $40 for up to two 50-pound pets per room per stay
  • Asian-Nordic fusion-style hotel with elegantly appointed studios and thoughtful amenities like furnished patios, toasty fireplaces, natural stone countertops, and a walk-in shower with soaking tub
  • Walk just outside to take the Heavenly Mountain ski gondolas, venture over to the Van Sickle Bi-State Park, or explore a slice of the hotel’s namesake Desolation Wilderness
  • On-site Maggie’s Restaurant, which offers a variety of both comfort food and fine cuisine

4. Forest Suites Resort

Forest Suites
Image Credit: Forest Suites

View Deals at Forest Suites

🗺️ Address: 📍 1 Lake Pkwy, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
⭐ Star Rating: ⭐⭐⭐
🕐 Open Times: 4 PM check-in, 11 AM check-out
💲 Cost: $40 for up to two 50-pound pets per room per stay
  • Warm, intimate getaway in the heart of South Lake Tahoe
  • Fully equipped kitchen
  • Fitness center and Al’s Saloon restaurant located on-site

5. Fireside Lodge Lake Tahoe

Fireside Lodge Lake Tahoe
Image Credit: Instagram @all_bout_theanmlz

View Deals at Fireside Lodge

  • Log cabin resort B&B
  • Daily hot breakfast and daily wine and cheese tasting
  • Free bikes
  • Snowed in on your vacation? Break a sweat in the high-tech infrared sauna, unleash your 80s arcade rat in the game room, or meditate in the dedicated relaxation room
  • All pet guests are greeted with a complimentary pet gift package that includes treats, towel, collapsible food/water bowls, and a comfy blanket

6. Basecamp Hotel Tahoe South

Basecamp Hotel Tahoe South
Image Credit: Instagram @basecamphotels

View Deals at Basecamp Hotel South

  • Rustic rooms and suites, including king rooms with balconies, mountain view suites, and a suite with a king bed inside a safari-style canvas tent
  • Prime location in SLT
  • Don’t forget your travel crate—your pet could incur a $375 cleaning fee if they’re allowed to roam your room when you’re not there
  • Call ahead, as pet-friendly rooms are only bookable over the phone

7. Golden Nugget Lake Tahoe

Golden Nugget Lake Tahoe
Image Credit: Golden Nugget Lake Tahoe

View Deals at Golden Nugget Lake Tahoe

🗺️ Address: 📍 50 Hwy 50, Stateline, NV 89449
⭐ Star Rating: ⭐⭐⭐
🕐 Open Times: 4 PM check-in, 11 AM check-out
💲 Cost: $65 fee per pet per night
  • Lavishly appointed contemporary rooms and suites with panoramic mountain/lake views and all the modern amenities
  • 25,000-square-foot casino floor with dozens of table games
  • Restaurants for every mood: Alpine Union Bar & Kitchen, Center Bar, and Park Prime Steakhouse

8. 3 Peaks Resort & Beach Club

3 Peaks Resort & Beach Club
Image Credit: Instagram @gothinavan

View Deals at 3 Peaks Hotel

  • Understated cozy rooms, suites, and townhouses available
  • Within walking distance to all South Lake Tahoe’s major attractions
  • Seasonal heated saltwater pool, 2-tier Jacuzzi, picnic tables, and outdoor grilling equipment

9. The Landing Resort & Spa

The Landing Resort & Spa
Image Credit: Instagram @thelandingresortandspa

View Deals at The Landing Tahoe

  • Upscale resort on Lake Tahoe’s edge offering ultraluxe amenities like heated toilet seats, underfloor bathroom heating, pillow top mattresses, plush terry cloth bathrobes, and LavAzza espresso machines
  • Feeling a little chilly? Hang out by the rooftop deck’s communal fire pit, soak in the hot tub, or even practice your butterfly stroke in the heated outdoor pool
  • Claim a free welcome beverage, take advantage of free local transportation, roam the area on a collection of free bicycles, and don’t miss out on two free passes daily to the secluded Lakeside Beach

10. Station House Inn

Station House Inn
Image Credit: Instagram @tobythecorgster

View Deals at Station House Lake Tahoe

🗺️ Address: 📍 901 Park Ave, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
⭐ Star Rating: ⭐⭐⭐
🕐 Open Times: 3 PM check-in, 11 AM check-out
💲 Cost: $75 nonrefundable fee per pet up to two pets per room
  • Choose from 96 rooms & suites
  • Heated outdoor pool and two free daily beach passes
  • Dine at Toulouse, the New Orleans-style restaurant that warms up your palate with Cajun spices and a diverse beverage menu
  • Similar proximity to all of Lake Tahoe’s major spots



Just hours from Sacramento and San Francisco, South Lake Tahoe is the ultimate outdoorsy destination to satisfy woodland lovers, extreme mountain enthusiasts, and water sports fans alike. When you and Fluffy need somewhere to stay while you check the place out, consider one of the pet-friendly hotels on our list first.

See also:

Featured Image Credit: BrittanyNY, Shutterstock

La vie du chat

Dogs Find A Tiny Creature Lying In The Dirt And Alert Their Human


With their keen senses, a couple of vigilant dogs detected a small creature nestled in the dirt, its identity initially unclear. However, guided by their gentle and caring nature, the dogs ensured the safety and well-being of the tiny being. Upon closer inspection, it was revealed to be a baby feathertail glider, a native species of eastern Australia. This heartwarming encounter underscores the invaluable role that animals play in our lives, not only as companions but also as guardians of the natural world.

Through their instincts and compassion, these dogs demonstrated the importance of empathy and stewardship toward all living creatures, leaving a lasting impression on those fortunate enough to witness their act of kindness.


Image/Story Source Credit: Wonders of The World via YouTube Video


This tiny creature, known as the feathertail glider, holds the title of being the smallest gliding mammal in existence. It appeared to have fallen from its mother’s pouch, facing the perilous risk of being overlooked or harmed on the ground. Fortunately, the watchful eyes and compassionate nature of man’s best friend intervened, ensuring the safety and rescue of this delicate life. The remarkable bond between humans and their canine companions is exemplified in moments like these, where dogs demonstrate not only their loyalty and affection but also their instinctive ability to protect and nurture the vulnerable members of the animal kingdom.

Through their actions, they serve as shining examples of empathy and compassion, inspiring others to follow suit in safeguarding the welfare of all creatures, big and small.

Click the video below to watch this incredible story!

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Dog Groomer Opened Shop In Middle-Of-Night To Give Stray Dog Haircut & Found Beauty Beneath Matted Fur


As the couple cruised down a highway in Florida’s Oviedo area, their excursion came to an abrupt stop when they noticed a dog wandering perilously close to the roadway, seemingly unaware of the bustling traffic. Disturbed by the sight and worried about the canine’s welfare and intended direction, they immediately pulled over. Fueled by concern and compassion, they rushed to investigate the situation, determined to assist the distressed animal in any way possible.

Their impromptu act of kindness showcased their dedication to ensuring the safety and well-being of all creatures, reaffirming the importance of compassion and empathy in the world.


Image/Story Source Credit: YouTube/Scoop


His physical state left them shocked. His fur was heavily matted to the point of impeding his movement and obscuring his vision, making it difficult for him to navigate and nearly resulting in him being struck. His lack of responsiveness suggested a history of abandonment and neglect that seemed to span most of his existence.

The duo couldn’t bear the thought of leaving him behind. Consequently, they decided to bring him along in their vehicle. Nevertheless, given their inability to provide for his needs overnight, they turned to social media for help. Their call for assistance was met by groomer Kari Falla.


Image/Story Source Credit: YouTube/Scoop


When a dog’s fur becomes so severely matted that it impedes blood circulation and causes bruising, immediate action is required. Upon seeing the dog’s dire condition, Kari realized that waiting until the next day to offer aid was not an option. Driven by urgency, Kari opened her BGE Grooming salon at 3 a.m., finding the dog in a state of shock and cold. She was taken aback by the extent of his neglect, noting, “I was utterly unprepared for the sight that greeted me.” The dog emitted a foul odor and was incapable of walking due to the condition of his coat.

Kari dedicated herself to grooming the dog until 4 a.m., removing all the matted fur. She estimated that the neglect had persisted for over two years. In anticipation of his forthcoming veterinary appointment, they affectionately named him Lucky.


Image/Story Source Credit: YouTube/Scoop


The visit to the veterinarian revealed yet another astonishing fact: Lucky was discovered to be both blind and deaf, compounding the difficulties arising from his severely matted fur and dismal state. Without the timely intervention of the kind-hearted couple, Lucky’s chances of surviving the night on the road, given his condition, were slim to none.

Following his operation, the veterinarian took further steps to ensure Lucky’s well-being, neutering him, and providing necessary vaccines and dental care. The effort to find him a loving, permanent residence then commenced. Zachary Blair, moved by the collective efforts to save Lucky, eagerly stepped forward to provide him with a forever home. We are ardent fans of happy conclusions, and Lucky’s story certainly culminates in one.

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