La vie du chat

Does Your Cat Care About You? Science Tells Us They Do!


It seems like you are more than a mere food source for your cat: research tells us that cats see owners as a source of safety and friendship. Simply put, cats care for their owners even if they do not seem like it. 

You’re saying that your cat does listen when you call them? They’re intentionally ignoring you, research claims.

Research published in Current Biology says that attachments between cats and their owners are comparable with those formed with dogs and babies with their caregivers.

In the experiment, the researcher put a cat in an area with its owner for 2 minutes. The owner then left for two minutes and returned for one more 2 mins. The researchers then examined the cat’s response to its owners to know what kind of attachment cats have to their owners and found two types: secure and insecure attachments.

Secure attachments suggest that the subject fully believes their caregiver will care for them and feels comfortable exploring their environment.

Cats with secure attachment to their owners greet them proprietor and then return to whatever they’re doing.

On the other hand, cats with insecure attachments tend to show anxiety toward their caregivers. Signs of cats with insecure attachments are twitching tails and avoiding their owners when they return.

The research discovered that about 64% of the cats were securely attached to their owners. This is comparable to what’s been seen in dogs and children.

So what are the tell-tale signs that your cat cares for you? Read on to find out!

Ways Your Cat Shows That They Care For You

Ways Your Cat Shows That They Care For You

Cats have many emotions, including a preference to be around us and to appreciate our existence. Cats have an appreciation for our relationships and even care for us.

Cats are unique personalities, like people. Cats derive pleasure, security, and comfort from their connections with people. However, some cats are more affectionate than others, or they’re much showier.

Whatever personality your cat has, there are always signs to tell whether your cat. Here are some that tell you your cat cares for you.

Slow Blinking

Slow Blinking

There is a saying, « eyes are the windows to one’s soul. » With some animals, eye contact means aggression. However, cats use eye contact with their people to show care and will directly look into the eyes of those they trust.

You know your cat loves you when they make eye contact and slow blinks. This is considered a feline way to kiss, and you can slowly blink back to show that you also care for them.



Your cat might bump their head against you or rub its cheeks against you to show love. This social action is developed in kittenhood through headbutting other kitties and their mom.

Headbutting means that your cat marks as one of its own. Headbutting helps cats bond with each other and is done to humans to show love.



Cats groom other cats in their colony as a display of love, and this behavior is also done with people they trust. Felines will lick their people or allow them to brush their coats.

Grooming builds a bond between a cat and a human. Just be watchful for rapid tail swishing and listen for any growling or hissing, as too much rushing can be overstimulating for cats.



Kneading is a behavior that starts in kittenhood and is related to nursing. This action is believed to bring comfort and endorphins to the brain.

Relaxed and comfortable cats will knead when you delicately. In some cases, cats knead to prepare a sleeping area, which is considered an inherent action.



Felines usually give short, silent meows when we speak slowly and softly to them, and they feel comfortable. If the meows get louder and drawn out, that is a sign that your cat has had enough talking communication.



Felines usually purr to show contentment when they are resting near you or when you’re cuddling them. They might also purr when nervous, but this is frequently seen with negative body cues such as laying their ears back, placing their head down, quick tail-swishing, or hiding.

Greeting You at the Door

Cat Greeting You at the Door

Greeting their owners at the door is also one-way cats tell their owners they « miss you. » This is usually followed by walking between your legs. Occasionally, it’s accompanied by meowing and « rattle-tail » behavior, where your cat will shake their tail swiftly.

This is your cat’s way of welcoming you home. They may also be telling you something else like they’re ready to eat, need fresh water, or that you must clean their litter box, so make sure to check these things.

Following You

Your Cat Following You

Cats are said to follow their owners. It resembles the greeting at your front door, where they follow behind you and want to be in your vicinity at all times.

Tail Language

Tail Language

Cats use their tails to show their owners that they care. A happy cat will hold their tail upright with a hook at the end. They may gradually wag their tail backward and forward. Sometimes, they will also rattle their tail while walking beside you.

Bringing You Gifts

Bringing You Gifts

Cats are hunters in nature. Cats will show these hunting skills by preying on rats (and perhaps small birds when permitted to stroll outside) and bring them back as « presents. »

Your cat wants to give you presents as tokens of love. You may find these gifts disgusting, but it signifies love. Interior cats are reported to do this with toys because they cannot chase outside the home.

Belly Up

Belly Up

Showing their belly is considered the ultimate sign of trust for a feline. Cats only rest on their backs and reveal their bellies when in their most comfortable state.

This is not an invitation to massage your cat’s stomach, though! They are simply telling you that they feel comfortable and safe enough to expose perhaps their most vulnerable body parts. If you go in for the tummy rub, take care, as your feline could strike back with a bite or scratch.

Last Words

These findings help unmask the misconception that felines are unsociable and do not feel strongly linked to their owners.

The fault is on us because we measure cats on the same bar we use for dogs. Most cats look to their owners as a source of security and safety. Owners must remember this. How owners behave can have a direct effect on their cats’ actions.

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